After 15 years advising and representing the Canadian House of Commons it is time to move on and to expand my practice and horizons. I am taking leave of full-time employment (and possibly my senses) to open a practice to advise and represent those who have interests in the world of legislatures, Parliament and their place within democracy and constitutional frameworks.
As noted on my banner, I will be focusing on lex parliamenti– the Law Parliament, a hitherto largely unknown and under-explored or examined area of the law. It is often seen as inferior to, or outside the scope of law, or the “rule of law”, rather than as part of the constitutional architecture and part of the general law. It is my aim to, in a small way, do my best to address this and other misconceptions that plague what has been referred to as the forgotten branch.
I will be posting my thoughts, and those of others, on this blog, from time to time, and I welcome comments and input as we work together towards strengthening and supporting legislative institutions into the 21st century.
Feel free to contact me through this blog, or through my co-ordinates on my website.
Hi Steven, We met at a conference on officers of parliament, more specifically languages commissioners. Your wife Ann was presenting. Please convey my best wishes to her.
I just discovered this blog and found the articles to be very informative and an enjoyable read.
Thanks for sharing your expertise on these topics that straddle the boundaries between law, administration and politics.